Welcome to the Florida State University Actuarial Science Club's Web page!
Future Seminole Actuaries' (FSA), mission is to put the actuarial science majors at Florida State University in a great position to succeed in the current job market. This mission is accomplished by educating our students on networking and interview skills, as well as pushing each and every student to create their own personal brand and aiding them in developing an executive presence. Additionally, our goal is to continue Florida State's student's great tradition of success with actuarial exams.

Club Advisor
Stephen P. Paris, Ph.D., ASA
Coordinator of Actuarial Science
Office: LOV 404A
Telephone: (850) 644-4419
Email: sparis@fsu.edu
The Actuarial Science Program at the Florida State University is an interdisciplinary undergraduate major that resides in the Department of Mathematics. It is classified as Advanced Curriculum by the Society of Actuaries. The complete listing of all Universities & Colleges with Actuarial Programs (UCAP) can be accessed on the Society of Actuaries website here: Listing of UCAP. The current process to become an actuary in the Society of Actuaries (SOA) or Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS), or a Chartered Enterprise Risk Analyst (CERA) in the SOA, involves passing a sequence of preliminary exams and obtaining validation by educational experience (VEE) in the areas of economics, accounting and finance, and mathematical statistics from an approved university such as FSU. See the Casualty Actuarial Society website or the Society of Actuaries website for more information on the credentialing process from these organizations. The Be An Actuary website is also an excellent source for learning more about the profession. The required course content of FSU's program in actuarial science covers material for the preliminary exams as well as all three VEE areas. There are diverse entry-level opportunities for graduates, including many in Florida. Recent FSU graduates have readily found attractive employment; company interviews held in the department facilitate matching students with employer needs.