NoleNetwork Information
Please follow the steps below to request interview rooms for FSU’s Actuarial Interviews. All interviews will take place in the Dunlap Success Center in one of the dedicated interview rooms on Friday, September 16, 2022. You MUST complete the official request within NoleNetwork to have an interview space.
On-Campus Interview Schedule Requests in NoleNetwork
1) In NoleNetwork, click on “OCR/Interviews” located on the left-hand menu homepage, then “Schedules” (this link will also work if organizations need to first create a NoleNetwork Account)
• For organizations/contacts without a NoleNetwork account, please follow the steps on the screen on the login page – your accounts will be approved within 2 business days.
2) After selecting the garnet “Request a Schedule” box in the middle of the screen please complete the form.
• Recruiting Session: “Actuarial Interview Day”
• OCR Model:
• “None – Room Reservation Only” – for Actuarial Interviews, you MUST select Room Only schedule option. If you do not select that one, your schedule will be modified accordingly.
• Select the date – September 16th
• Time Slot – do you want the room all day or just half of it?
• Number of Rooms
• Length of Interviews
• You do not have to add a position for Room Only schedules but it is highly encouraged so we can help spread the word about your opportunity.
3) Review and submit the request. Once your schedule is confirmed, you will receive a confirmation email.
Please send any questions regarding interviews and interviewing space to Heather Lazar at Space is limited so get your requests in soon!